The sores on charlie knight's body
after the doctors visits
and show how eruptions continue to arrive, unexpectedly.
By Feb. 22, 2006 I sorness and throat skin pealing appeared.

In additon to all of this it is very difficult at times
for the right knee and hip to work right, and is very painful.

click on the images below to get a larger view


welts on arm at college
sore leaks through t shirt and image link
side sore with image shirt ozz 3
arm at college-1
sore oozes out -1
sore at skin-2
sore and shirt-3
Side sore and shirt with ozze on shirt 4
right leg rashes 1
left leg rash 2
neck sore again 1
Notice that sores broke out, especially at Mr. Knight's side, with no scratching or other disruption of the skin. He came home from college and felt pain in movement, and it turned out to be a sore that had dried to his undershirt. This happened a few days in a row, so he took these images. At the time of the pictures or the next moring there were rashes on the legs and then the neck broke out once again.
Side sore after antibiotics
Mouth image 1
nouth image 2 note roof of mouth

mouth image 3

Thursday Sore -1
roof of mouth 2
Mouth 3
Above is the sore after bathing and treatment with triple antibotic ointment for a few days. However at about Thursday the 23rd of February the mouth seemed sore as if the roof had changed its skin. This continued on for a few days so Friday he took these images.

Mouth Sunday image 1 and under toung

Mouth Sunday image 2 note increased erea on roof of mouth
Sunday Sores image 1 side opening again
Sunday sores image 2
Sunday Mouth 1
Sun Mouth 2
Sun sore -1
Sun sore -2
Sunday, the 26th of February the throat became almost unbearable and Mr. Knight felt "sick all over" and could not do much, not homework, or cleaning, or anythng. He took these images of both the roof of his mouth and the sore on the side, which had been healing and then had erupted Sat evening.

Please note the sores that day after the two falls on hidden ice below the snow,
these are images of how the body was a week or more later.

Please forgive the quality of these images
they are "self shot" and after the fall
Mr. Knight has been in great pain
most of the day.

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